
Early history of the CNCC

Canada was the third nation to join the IUCr where Dr William Howard Barnes (1903-1980) played a major role in persuading the National Research Council in 1948 to adhere to the IUCr for Canada. Dr Barnes was also chair of the Canadian National Committee for Crystallography from 1948 until 1966. (Acta Cryst, 1981, A37, 269.)

The Larry Calvert CNC/IUCr Trust Fund offers travel awards to deserving students, post-doctoral and non-faculty trainees at Canadian academic institutions, to enable their attendance at courses, scientific meetings, and the triennial IUCr Congresses, in order to further their expertise and education in crystallography and related disciplines.

Via the CNCC, IUCr Congresses were held in Canada in Montréal (1957) and Ottawa (1981) and Montréal,(2014).

Logo of the CNCC: “Feuille d’Ă©rable – p4g – Maple Leaf”

The CNCC logo is based on a 1981 crystallographic artwork produced by François Brisse of the DĂ©partement de chimie de l’UniversitĂ© de MontrĂ©al. This motif was originally used for the 1981 IUCr 12th Congress in Ottawa. It was the (unintended) financial profit from this 1981 Congress that laid the foundation for the Larry Calvert student travel fund.

Some history of crystallography in Canada

Visit the American Crystallographic Association History to read about the Early Days of Protein Crystallography in Canada.